Issue 2: Living A Copy Life with Copywriter Jo Harris

Women in Words interview with copywriter Jo Harris, The Virtual Mama
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Women in Words highlights boss women wordsmiths who work behind the scenes crafting written content for others. We’ll get to know new lady boss wordsmiths each Wednesday to learn more about them and appreciate their journey and expertise.

This week we feature Copywriter Jo Harris.

In your experience, what are three (or more) significant differences between a copywriter, content writer, and copy editor?

What a great question! I describe it as this: a copywriter writes marketing copy for another business. Their writing focuses on selling a product or service and getting the reader to take action. Some examples of marketing copy are sales letters, ads, or headlines for a website. 

A content writer writes content meant to inform, educate, engage, or empower. An example of this would be a news article or YouTube script. 

A copy editor is someone who makes corrections to improve your writing. They make suggestions on your writing structure, grammar, and spelling.

They’re all needed in the editorial world but serve different purposes!

Do you find you spend time explaining the difference when working with someone?

Absolutely! Especially when it comes to the difference between a content writer and a copywriter. Because of my work’s nature, I have clients and writing students who get the two mixed up. It’s easy to understand why people misunderstand the two, but they differ entirely. 

I’ve created multiple resources around this topic to help people learn the differences, and it’s much easier to point them to those in-depth resources to understand them.

Which do you specialize in and why?

I started as a content writer over a decade ago and then transitioned to copywriting. I enjoy the aspect of persuasion and selling that’s involved in copywriting. Being a marketing nerd at heart, I get to exercise multiple gifts, all within this one role, and that’s very satisfying! If you enjoy writing and marketing, copywriting is a great niche to get into. 

What’s one thing you wish folks knew about what you do and how it differs from other editorial specialties?

I wish everyone understood that good copywriting doesn’t come from your own head. I could talk about this for hours because many people don’t know all the groundwork and strategy for writing high-converting copy.

It’s important that any copywriter you work with has a solid research process and understands how to implement the voice of customer data and other copywriting principles into their copy. 

I always say that the best copy you write won’t come from you, but it’ll come from your ideal customer. That’s why I put a lot of emphasis on the research process. Any of my copywriting students will tell you I’m always talking about this!

I wish everyone understood that good copywriting doesn’t come from your own head. I always say that the best copy you write won’t come from you, but it’ll come from your ideal customer. ~Jo Harris, The Virtual Mama

What’s your why?  

I started my business almost four years ago after becoming pregnant. I wanted to contribute to the household while being home with my kids and starting an online business gave me the flexibility to do that. 

Even today, my why continues to be my family! 

Who inspires you?

I get inspired every time I open my Bible. There’s so much I’ve learned about business, life, parenting, and other aspects of life through scripture. My best business ideas have come during my quiet time with God!

What’s a typical workday look like for you?

My work days are short because I work on my business part-time while caring for my children. 

I start my day early and finish my priority tasks, and then throughout the day, I finish other tasks when I have pockets of time. 

Sometimes I work at night or on the weekends if I need to wrap up high-priority projects, but I reserve my weekends for family and ministry work.

How has your industry changed since Covid?

Since the pandemic, I have noticed that more people are looking to be a part of my industry. I started pursuing my business seriously after the pandemic, so I can’t speak too much about the differences. 

What’s something you were surprised to learn about your career path?

Discovery copywriting was a surprise because I didn’t know this was a career path until recently. I also didn’t expect to get so deeply involved in it. Initially, I was just looking for extra client work, but God had other plans! I’m truly grateful for this career path! 

What’s your guilty pleasure (fave thing to do when you’re not working/writing)?

When I’m not working, I love going on adventures around the city with my family! Whether it’s a walk in the park, getting a smoothie, or visiting a museum, I love to spend time with them and enjoy fun experiences! 

What’s an industry tip for an aspiring copywriter, content writer, or copy editor?

My number one piece of advice is to become an expert in whatever it is you want to do. Don’t be satisfied with your skills just being “okay.” Seek to be the best you can be in your niche. This is one of the things that has made the biggest difference for me!

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Yes… I’d like to say that copywriting is not only for copywriters. It’s a great skill for business owners to develop. Even if you’re not naturally a writer, you can still learn how to write sales copy for your own business. If interested, please check out my free copywriting class for aspiring writers and business owners!

Jo Harris is a conversion copywriter & Founder of The Virtual Mama. She has written research-driven sales copy for multi-6 & 7-figure businesses and works closely with women-owned brands that want to increase conversion rates. In her self-paced course, Copyland, she teaches her process for writing sales copy and finding clients. Check out Jo’s free copywriting class at

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Do you know a boss woman who works with words as a copywriter, content writer, copy editor, proofreader, or another editorial specialty? Send her my way! I’d love to feature her in an issue of Women in Words.

Author: Jasmine Jae Hermann

Jasmine (Jae) Hermann is an award-winning storyteller, content strategist & editor, and community leader. She founded Boss Copy Editing to partner with wellness providers, marketing agencies, and nonprofit managers and help them clarify and perfect their digital marketing. She also founded Squad Boss, a brainstorming, goal-setting community for creative women leaders. Learn more at