Issue 1: Living A Copy Life with Content Writer Debasmita Ray

Women in Words highlights boss women wordsmiths who work behind the scenes crafting written content for others. We’ll get to know new lady boss wordsmiths each Wednesday to learn more about them and appreciate their journey and expertise.

This week we feature UK-based Freelance Content Writer, Debasmita Ray

In your experience, what are the significant differences between a copywriter, content writer, and copy editor?

A copywriter is very dedicated to selling a product, while a content writer does a more creative and informative job. Content writers enjoy more liberty and can be precise or flowery, depending on requirements.

A copy editor cleans the copy. You get a crisp, grammatically error-free version that should meet requirements such as styling.

It is often misunderstood and considered to be the same. However, it’s not the case. But the roles can overlap.

Content Writer Debasmita Ray

A copywriter is very dedicated to selling a product, while a content writer does a more creative and informative job. Content writers enjoy more liberty and can be precise or flowery, depending on requirements.~Debasmita Ray, Freelance Content Writer

Do you find you spend time explaining the difference when working with a new client?

I have struggled to explain the differences and make clients understand their needs. Unfortunately, many clients also fail to realise the need for copy editing.

Which do you specialize in and why?

I specialise in content writing as it gives me creative liberty and greater scope to impress the target audience.

Lastly, what’s one thing you wish folks knew about what you do and how it differs from other editorial specialties?

I wish people knew that if they ask me to rewrite a text, I would expect to be paid as a content writer and a copywriter where it’s applicable. But instead, people just say, “You only added a coma.”

Unfortunately, the value of Oxford Coma is not realised!

Debasmita Ray is a content writer in Birmingham, England, who believes in curating stories with words that matter. Connect with her on LinkedIn or read her work on Medium


Do you know a boss woman who works with words as a copywriter, content writer, copy editor, proofreader, or another editorial specialty? Send her my way! I’d love to feature her in an issue of Women in Words.

Author: Jasmine Jae Hermann

Jasmine (Jae) Hermann is an award-winning storyteller, content strategist & editor, and community leader. She founded Boss Copy Editing to partner with wellness providers, marketing agencies, and nonprofit managers and help them clarify and perfect their digital marketing. She also founded Squad Boss, a brainstorming, goal-setting community for creative women leaders. Learn more at